Tuesday, November 29, 2011


He promises He will not quench
 a dimly burning wick
or leave me lone in my despair
so heavy, dark and thick.
He sets my feet back on the path,
 the Way of life and peace.
He takes my hand and leads me on
until the storm swells cease.
His tender touch brings quiet hope
and stills my racing thoughts.
His gentle presence strengthens me
and helps me pay the cost -
the cost of being given life,
to leave behind the wrong for right,
to move from darkness into light.
There always is the choice.
Lord, strengthen please
my feeble knees;
empower me to stand
strengthened by the hope I find
by clinging to Your hand.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

A Prayer for Strength

Golden limbs of autumn
sheltering the way
bringing joy back to my soul
proclaiming a new day.

Tender twists of memories
rest on the faded bench
reminding me of where I've been
this journey inch  by inch.

I sense the Spirit's presence near
in blazing brilliant swells
remembering God's mighty hand
that rescued me from hell

replaced the fear with life and health
infused me with new breath
bringing hope back to my heart
and silencing the death.

I pray now for the strength I need
to make the wisest choice
to set aside all worldly things
and listen for God's voice.

Lord, strengthen me
to do your will
to live a truthful life
to have the courage to believe
the will to pay the price.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011


God of grace and glory
You are filling me with light.
The mourning dove
and sunny birdsong
chase away the night.
The looming questions dissipate
in sunlight's warming beams;
the pressing task of joyful hope
leads me toward a dream -
a dream I pray
that comes from You
and draws me
to Your side
where I can live and breathe
Your Love
which in all things abides.